Saturday, September 17, 2011

#SupportYemen - Silence Kills!

Yemen has been facing a humanitarian and economic crisis for the past 8 months. This protest is to condemn the world's silence and the current media black-out towards Yemen's revolution, and its people's struggle and peaceful plight to over-throw a dictatorial regime.

It will be a silent protest, thus protesters will stand for two hours with tape over their mouths to symbolize the world's silence and indifference towards Yemen.

The protest is scheduled to be at the same time and in different cities across the world where there is a large Yemeni community, and in cities in Yemen.

It will be on Saturday 24th September 2011 at noon 
12:00-2:00 pm 

#SupportYemen in Amman, Jordan
#SupportYemen in Berlin, Germany
#SupportYemen in Cairo, Egypt 
#SupportYemen in Derbon - Michigan, U.S.A
#SupportYemen in London, UK
#SupportYemen in New York, U.S.A
#SupportYemen in Paris, France
#SupportYemen in San Francisco, CA, USA 
#SupportYemen Stockholm, Sweden
#SupportYemen in Washington D.C, USA

Visit the Facebook page for the Worldwide event for information and updates: 
#SupportYemen – Silence Kills! Worldwide Event 
 Or the #SupportYemen Facebook page

Come and support Yemen, stand in solidarity with its people. Your support is important. It is a life-line for millions of  Yemenis! *
*Bring some red tape along!

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